For many people, Easter is about chocolate. And there are very few people who do not have a level of guilt around the amount of chocolate they eat, or would eat if it was considered a healthy snack. This made me think about my guilty pleasures (chocolate is not one, believe it or not)
So here are a few of mine:
- Reading fantasy books - Not too many baby boomer women (I think bb sounds better than middle aged, older, old or mature) seem to enjoy them, too. If you are out there, please let me know. Although, the whole world is now addicted to Game of Thrones...
- FroYo - most particularly Salted Caramel and Black Sesame, I could have one every day, but the Black Sesame is in Australia, so I limit myself to Salted Caramel once a week.
- Freezocinos - just so delicious
- Staying at home for a whole weekend, eating, reading and watching tv (no make up).
- Standing right next to the buffet at cocktail parties, because what is better than cocktail food (and one at at a time seems less fattening than a full plate, pretty much the same as if nobody sees you eating, it doesn't count as calories)
- Not blow drying my own hair (thanks, Shelene at Tanaz)
- Talking on my cell phone in the car (got to stop), such effective multi tasking, though
- Reading Hello magazine, love the glamourous photos and the gorgeous settings
- Wearing incredibly impractical high heels for the most inappropriate occasions
- Playing online games like funtrivia,scrabble and Diamond Dash, and telling myself that it keeps my brain active
- Reading in the bath by candlelight
- Aunty Acid cartoons, they lift my spirits (and someecards are also wonderful)
And those were just off the top of my head. I do love carrots, though, especially the way my sister makes them.
So looking over them, I might not have a big chocolate weakness, but food figures high on the guilty pleasure list. Would love to hear about yours.
Links, Notes and References
Guilty Pleasures
Aunty Acid